Thursday, June 17, 2010

E3 2010 Aves Engine Prototype %26ampquot;Suburban World%26ampquot; - all HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Check this out:
Released at E3 2010, this second sneak preview of the Aves Engine, shows our new prototype %26ampquot;Suburban World%26ampquot;. The Aves Engine is a professional game engine to build any type of web based 2D or 2.5D game by only using HTML, CSS and JavaScript, giving game studios the power to deliver stunning games for all kinds of genres on multiple platforms. It's in a way similiar to Game Engines on PC or Console systems but utilizes many important patterns you need to consider when working in the web environment. HQ: Updates: Contact: contact@dextrose.comE3 2010 Aves Engine Prototype %26ampquot;Suburban World%26ampquot; - all HTML, CSS and JavaScript

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